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Andy Pruden
Geraldine Walters
Hugo Drivas
Noel Pinkus
Leon Croydman
Cedric Blumenthal
Jimmy James
Valerie Hogarth
Audrey Denning
Maureen Taylor
A man goes missing from a tiny outback town of only 12 residents. His son, Andy Pruden, an suburban Ohio bank teller, has journeyed across the world to visit and is alarmed when he discovers he is missing. Andy teams with another outsider Cassie on a quest to find his father, and the pair find themselves in increasing danger as they delve into the secrets of this tiny outback town, where everyone is a suspect.
Título original Population 11
Fecha de primera emisión Mar. 14, 2024
Última transmisión Mar. 14, 2024
Temporadas 1
Episodios 12
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